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Han Bat | Chicago

30 Jun

Han Bat | Chicago

2723 W Lawrence Ave
(between Fairfield Ave & Washtenaw Ave)
Chicago, IL 60625
Neighborhoods: Lincoln Square, Ravenswood

(773) 271-8640


American breakfast options revolve around eggs, and the non-egg options fall within a few major categories – bagels (usually with cream cheese), pancakes, corned beef, or a healthy medley of yoghurt and fresh fruit.

Craving Asian food last Saturday, I went to Han Bat, which is Korean restaurant, and ordered their seolleongtang. Seolleongtang is a broth soup made from beef bones, simmered over many hours, where the marrow leaches out of the bones and turns it an off-white colour. The soup is mild-tasting, and spring onion, chilli was provided at the table.

The $10 bowl of seolleongtang (4.5/5) was a refreshing dish, and the kimchi (4.75/5) is free flow. It’s authentic Korean – when I went into the restaurant at 9am on a Saturday morning, I was greeted with a string of Korean. This, according to Tyler Cowen, bodes well for the authenticity of the restaurant. Very enjoyable Korean home cooking.